6. Achieve Universal Access To Water And Sanitation

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

a) Provide universal access to safe drinking water at home and in schools, health centres and refugee camps b) End open defecation and ensure universal access to sanitation at school and work, and increase access to sanitation at home by x% c) Bring freshwater withdrawals in line with supply and increase water efficiency in agriculture…

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10. Ensure Good Governance And Effective Institutions

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

a) Provide free and universal legal identity, such as birth registrations b) Ensure that people enjoy freedom of speech, association, peaceful protest and access to independent media and information c) Increase public participation in political processes and civic engagement at all levels d) Guarantee the public’s right to information and access to government data e)…

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11. Ensure Stable And Peaceful Societies

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

a) Reduce violent deaths per 100,000 by x and eliminate all forms of violence against childrenb) Ensure justice institutions are accessible, independent, well-resourced and respect due-process rights c) Stem the external stressors that lead to conflict, including those related to organised crime d) Enhance the capacity, professionalism and accountability of the security forces, police and…

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2. Put Sustainable Development at the Core

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

For twenty years, the international community has aspired to integrate the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability, but no country has yet achieved patterns of consumption and production that could sustain global prosperity in the coming decades. A new agenda will need to set out the core elements of sustainable lifestyles that can work…

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5. Forge a new Global Partnership

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

A fifth, but perhaps most important, transformative shift for the post-2015 agenda is to bring a new sense of global partnership into national and international politics. This must provide a fresh vision and framework, based on our common humanity and the principles established at Rio. Included among those principles: universality, equity, sustainability, solidarity, human rights,…

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Transformative shift leave no one behind

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

The next development agenda must ensure that in the future neither income nor gender, nor ethnicity, nor disability, nor geography, will determine whether people live or die, whether a mother can give birth safely, or whether her child has a fair chance in life. We must keep faith with the promise of the MDGs and…

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Chapter 4 – Implementation‚ Accountability and Building Consensus

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

Implementing the Post-2015 Agenda The illustrative goals and targets we have set out are bold, yet practical. Like the MDGs, they would not be legally binding, but must be monitored closely. The indicators that track them should be broken down in many different ways to ensure no one is left behind. We recommend that any…

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Chapter 3 – Illustrative Goals and Global Impact

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

The Shape of the Post-2015 Agenda Bold commitments in these five areas – leave no one behind, put sustainable development at the core, transform economies, build peace and effective and accountable institutions, and forge a new global partnership – would allow the international community to keep the promises made under the MDGs, raise the bar…

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12. Create a Global Enabling Environment and Catalyse Long-Term Finance

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

a) Support an open, fair and development-friendly trading system, substantially reducing trade-distorting measures, including agricultural subsidies, while improving market access of developing country products b) Implement reforms to ensure stability of the global financial system and encourage stable, long-term private foreign investment c) Hold the increase in global average temperature below 2⁰ C above pre-industrial…

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