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Lysa John

Lysa John

Head of Outreach

Lysa John is the Head of Outreach for the HLP Secretariat. She began her career in 1998 with YUVA, Mumbai, working on issues of urban poverty, governance, housing and women’s rights. In 2006, she joined ‘Wada Na Todo Abhiyan’ (Don’t Break Your Promises Campaign), helping create what is now one of India’s strongest advocacy networks, which brings over 3,000 organizations and 500,000 supporters together to monitor and support government efforts on the Millennium Development Goals and National Development Goals. Following this, Lysa served as International Campaign Director with the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), working with civil society organizations across 83 countries to address poverty and inequality through nationally organised and globally linked initiatives such as ‘The World We Want’ and ‘Africa at the Table’. Lysa holds a Masters degree from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. on digital activism and its relevance to socially excluded communities.